One month Ago. The sad stuff. It's all very confusing. But it all started when my grandma got admitted into the hospital. First day she was fine, then in the next few days, because of the 'pain-killer' drugs she took, she become confused and dozed off alot. She recognizes everyone, esp my little brother and cousin Chu-yi (both are 7 this year). She really let out a big smile when she saw them. And we couldn't stand too far, cause she couldn't see us. After about 10 days, the doc changed the medication. It helped a little at first, she was conscious and talked about something. The next day, i don't know.. it was just as if she was so tired all the time.. Then when i was going to see her one day, i was getting late, i asked Uncle Lee to bring me there. But i was too late.. about 15 minutes.. My mom, 2nd Aunt and Small Aunt was there when she left for heaven. After it was confirmed, the adults made the all the arrengements for the funeral. It was 5 days. Ben, Beng,...